Addicted to chaos

Ok, so... here's the deal. The following post will be in english because:
1. Honestly, I do prefer this language over swedish, and
2. this is sorta dedicateded to all my lovely fellow droogs at the MFC

The video I posted in my previous post really does deserve a post all to it's own.
Of course I'm talking about the Addicted to chaos viceo!

There you have it again.

It's like a collage of all the good parts from anything between Rust in peace to Youthanasia.
I mean, where do I start?!
From the window reflection to the old lady hanging the babies on the cloth drying line - it's ALL brilliant.

Has anyone else besides me ever had a reflection starring back at you?
About two monts ago, as I was taking off my shoes, I looked across my room into my window. It was dark outside and I see a face starring back at me. I know what you think "It's just your own face" or "it's your imagination" but trust me, I was not in an angle to see my own face starring back at me and I was neither drunk, nor tired. There was a face starring back at me. Just as the face in the video. Oppinions?

And to the lady hanging the babied on the clothing line...
Youhtanasia has always been my favourite Megs album cover. I think it's absolutely brilliant and it fits the album title perfectly! The thought of making it a chest piece has even crossed my mind (I love tattoos and I do intend to cover most parts of my body with beautiful ink. You just wait! And don't you dare calling it "bumperstickers" you fucker!)
Youthanasia... I would love to go into a deeper discussion about this subject with anyone interested in history. Euthanasia - Youthanasia. I LOVE Play on words! That's one of the reasons I love Rammstein so much. (even the band name is a play on words! how lovely!)

The "euthanasia decree", written on Adolf Hitler's personal stationery and dated 1 September 1939, reads as follows:

Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, to the end that patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen] of their state of health, can be granted a mercy death [Gnadentod].


and LINK to Euthanasia page

Enjoy the read! ;) And feel free to discuss thing with me afterwards!

Love and bruises!

Postat av: Ed Schoendorff

Interesting blog post. I don't know how I did this, but I somehow managed to miss seeing the Addicted to Chaos video - until tonight!

2010-08-21 @ 06:23:32
Postat av: luvan

actually, I haven't seen it before either!

2010-08-22 @ 17:34:05

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