Now what..?
I'm thrilled the first heavy metal tutorial got such a great response, but now I have a question for you guys: now what? What do you want to see?
I have a few band tees at home that need some lovin', such as: In Solitude, Antichrist, Deadheads, Crucifyre, Megadeth, GBG Wrestling, etc.
More band tees? Bell bottoms? Anything in particular, just let me know.
That's all for now. Write me a comment!
Cheers everyone.
Love and bruises,
DIY tutorial: Ambush fringe top
Tutorial for the Ambush tee
finished result
I forgot to get a picture of the whole shirt but anyway, here goes. This is made from a Fruit of the loom size L.
Step 1:
Cut that bastard into a short-ass crop top.
Step 2:
Cut the rest of the shirt into thin strips. This is what makes the fringes. Better to cut too many than too few. Remember: More is more!
Step 3:
Pull those buggers until they're long and thin.
Each strip makes two strings, so cut in both ends of what used to be a functioning garment.
Step 4:
Now, there's way too much shirt on this shirt so cut that shit away. It should look something like this. Do allow for some seam allowance - you'll have to sew the sides. Sewing machines are great for that shit. If you don't have a sewing machine: stitch by hand like back in medieval times and wait for dragons to apprear.
Step 5:
Tadaa! Sewn n ready. Shit's about to get real up in here!
Step 6:
Cut teeny tiny fucking holes for eyelets. If they're too big those bastards will come loose.
Step 7:
This is by far the most tedious bit of the whole process. Make sure to listen to some psychedelic noisy shit cuz you're gonna be stuck with these bastards for quite a while.
PS. Eyelets are optional. I'm just a masochist. You don't have to be.
PS. Eyelets are optional. I'm just a masochist. You don't have to be.
Step 8:
Done with those fucking eyelets? Good, here comes another tedious part.
Fringes. Fringes everywhere!
Part 9:
Time to start tying those knots. Have fun.
Part 10:
More fucking knots.
Part 11:
Done with first row of knots!
Part 12:
So let's do another fucking one. I fucking hate myself.
Part 13:
Ta-fucking-daa! Tie those shoulders bands and you're fucking done!
Congratu-fucking-lations, you've got a badass looking band tee.
Congratu-fucking-lations, you've got a badass looking band tee.
Hope you enjoyed and learned something new.
I really do deserve a beer now, so cheers!
Love and bruises,