You've got mail
"I hope this is correct. If not I strongly suggest you take down what the hacker put up. It's a violation against the founding laws in Sweden, called "hets mot folkgrupp" (16 kap 8 § brottsbalken) and in English: "hate speech" (look at the first amandment in the United states bill of rights - which grants the people protection against any kind of limitation or decrease of freedom of speach or press. nazism clearly defies that law, I think we all know why.)
Back to Sweden: "Sweden prohibits hate speech, and defines it as publicly making statements that threaten or express disrespect for an ethnic group or similar group regarding their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation."
I find it higly disturbing that I have not recieved any help fron deviantArt with removing these files as they clearly violate the founding laws of my home country.
The fact that a swastika is associated with my name can have severe consequences for my personal future. I have recieved many messages from people expressing their "hate" towards me because they think I am a nazi. I hope I don't have to explain to you that I am not. Nazism is so fundamentally against everything that I believe and AM. (a suicide letter was put up on my myspace page, which was hacked at the same time as my dA account, and you know what, that does not bother me as much as the swastika. Not anywhere near as much. I'd rather be dead than be a nazi.)
I hope I don't sound too angry. I just want you to see and hopefully understand the position I'm in.
Yours kindly,
Love and bruises,
Cut to the chase.